Whitney Young’s Attendance Policy

Ava Hunter

At the end of the 2018 school year, Whitney Young administration announced a new attendance policy– where students had to attend at least 95% of the school year, and if they didn’t, they would not be allowed to walk at graduation, attend prom, or attend the senior luncheon. After the announcement of this new policy, many students were outraged. Sophie Sanchez ’19 commented on the policy saying “I honestly find it really

 unfair. If I’m sick and contagious I don’t think it makes sense for me to come to school just to get other students sick.” In addition to this new policy, students are no longer able to leave the school on their own. This policy has also created a significant amount of controversy, Evie Calderon ’20 argued “My mom has to work and isn

‘t available to always pick me up from school if I have a doctors appointment or get sick. I think it’s completely unreasonable to expect students to take off work just to pick up

their kids who are responsible for getting themselves to and from school everyday on their own.” Though many students are fighting the new policies, some understand the explanation behind it and find that the policies make sense. Sophia Rivera ’21 said “A lot of people are mad about the attendance policy but I think its fair. It’s preventing people from ditching class which is good and is making sure students don’t leave the school alone, which could potentially be dangerous.” The attendance policy has definitely created a lot of uproar- leaving the question of whether or not this new policy will stick.