Google Trips: One step forward in technological advancement

Jonathan Webb, DubTV Sport's Anchor

Google is a company that has been able to expedite people’s use of technology; they have had the mission to incorporate this easy use of technology in people’s everyday agendas. Creating various apps and programs like Google Docs, Google Drive, and Google Hangouts,  the company has been on the right path to accomplishing their mission. With another successful execution of incorporating easy technology into people’s everyday agendas, Google has created Google Trips. Google Trips is a free innovative app that allows people to plan their trips and vacations in a more organized efficient way. CNBC  described the app as a “must-have for travelers, whether it’s for work or play.” When asking the public their opinions on the new uprising app Quinn Riley ‘18 said, “I’ve heard of the app before, but have never used it. From your summary of the app it sounds like a cool app. I’ll probably use it in the future.”

Google Trips layout

 Once the app was officially released, it immediately gained attention. Asking someone who has used the app, Kate Bailey ‘17 said, “I’ve used the app with my parent’s on our Spring Break trip to Europe. It was really helpful in suggesting places to go based off our interests.” Popular Mechanics described the new app as, “a perfect application for planning vacations.” Utilizing Google’s extensive search engines, the app is able to locate and organize all of your travel information. Travel information including flights, hotels, and even nearby tourist attractions. Google further explains the specificity of the app in their launch video. Although the app is very young, it has a lot of worthy potential to be a ground-breaking in technological advancement. With powerful search engines and extensive accessibility, Google Trips is a hidden gem waiting to be found.