Profile: Cameron Woodyard ’16


Malcolm Townsel, Staff Reporter


Cameron Woodyard ‘16, has had a wild high-school career with a long story-line. He has moved back and forth between states, had injuries which have held him back from playing and has still managed to succeed in academics and basketball. Woodyard’s story-line may imply he is all over the place, but he is very organized and manages his time between school and basketball. He enjoys photography and is undecided on which college he will continue his story at during the 2016-2017 school year.

Woodyard moved to Chicago on January 7, 2012, which was during his eighth grade year. He moved because his dad received a new job here, and Cam ended up liking the move. “Chicago is a well known city, it is diverse, and it is a lot bigger than where I am from, Charlotte, North Carolina.” Woodyard was already a competitive basketball player in eighth grade, and wanted to attend Whitney Young because it was elite in both academics and athletics. When Woodyear first got here, his first setback came, a broken foot. Although this frustrated him, Cam stayed involved with the team and basketball.

During the first marking period of the 2014-2015 school year, Woodyard transferred from WY to Mallard Creek High School in North Carolina as a result of his parents’ divorce. This unfortunate circumstance gave him the opportunity to experience the advantages of being at WY and helped him appreciate it more. He noticed a couple of aspects about the school, and the environment around it. “There was not much diversity and in the Charlotte Mecklenburg schools, there is no selective enrollment and every student has to do a senior project starting their junior year. There is not as much freedom as WY and there is not as much opportunity to pursue what you are passionate about. I wanted to come back to Whitney Young because everyone is one family and you are always supported by and connected with all kinds of people. At the other school everyone was in their own world and you feel like you are trying to make it through high school on your own.” Woodyard concludes.

It is not surprising his teammates and classmates love him. Woodyard is a nice kid and always works hard to be the best in everything he does. We wish him the best of luck is his college choice!