Dr. Kenner

Ava Hunter

Dr. Joyce Kenner is the current Principal at Whitney M. Young Magnet High School in Chicago’s West Loop. She has been the principal at Young High School for the past 25 years and has made a lasting impression. In the time of her being principal, Whitney Young has consistently been ranked highly in not only the state of Illinois, but the country as well. Many students at the high school speak very highly of her- Clara Jones ‘22 says, “She is the best principal I’ve ever had. She truly cares about each of her students and has clearly done everything she can to make this school an amazing place for everyone.” Students from every grade agree, Eleanor Sherline

Dr. Kenner addresses student section.

said, “I have had nothing but positive interactions with Dr. Kenner. She has created so many good policies for our school and has really allowed Whitney Young to thrive.” A fellow peer at Young High School, Emily Madison ‘20 said, “I am thankful to have gone to a school run by such a talented woman. She has shown me the importance of having a passionate person as head of a school.” Dr Joyce Kenner has greatly impacted each student at Whitney Young and has helped the school thrive.