What WY Stereotype Are You?

Katherine Shen and Maia Sanders, Features Editors

There are many classic high school stereotypes perpetuated by movies and real students. WY is no exception. Check out this quiz to see which WY stereotype you are.

1.What is your favorite movie genre?

a. Sci-Fi

b. Comedy

c. Drama

d. Anime

e. Action

f. Documentary


2.What’s your favorite season?

a. I don’t need seasons because I’m always inside

b. Sports season

c. Tied between fall and spring

d. Spring

e. Homecoming season

f. Back to school season


3.What city would you like to live in?

a. Silicon Valley, CA

b. Miami, FL

c. Portland, OR

d. Tokyo, Japan

e. L.A., CA

f. Washington D.C.


4.What kind of car would you like to own?

a. Smart car

b. Mustang

c. I prefer to bike

d. Toyota

e. Mini Cooper

f. Tesla


5.What pet would you choose?

a. Pet rock

b. Big dog

c. Urban farming chickens

d. Cats

e. Birds

f. Horse


6.Where do you eat lunch?

a. Library

b. I take the whip out for lunch

c. Little theater

d. The bridge

e. Red house

f. Math center


7.What’s your favorite TV show?

a. Doctor Who

b. Suits

c. Parks and Rec

d. Fresh Off the Boat

e. Gossip Girl

f. Nothing, I don’t have time to watch TV.


8.What’s your favorite type of music?

a. Dubstep

b. Rap/Hip-Hop

c. Indie

d. K-Pop

e. Soft Rock

f. Classical


If you answered 4 or more A’s, you are a stereotypical ackie who has probably played halo in the computer labs before.

If you answered 4 or more B’s, you are a sports jock and you most likely play lacrosse or basketball.

If you answered 4 or more C’s, you are a company kid.

If you answered 4 or more D’s, you are an AAC member.

If you answered 4 or more E’s, you are an overconfident underclassmen.

If you answered 4 or more F’s, you are an overachiever who cries when they below a 90% on a test.

If you got a mix of answer choices, you do not fit completely into one WY stereotype and probably have a wide variety of friends.