Unisex Bathrooms at Whitney Young: Enough?

Sylvia Love, Writer

It’s 2018 and the era of freedom and ultimate liberation is now, especially when it comes to gender and identification. On June 6th, 2016, an article was released about how Whitney Young seniors had requested for gender neutral restrooms. While no restrooms alone were placed, it was said in CPS guidelines that students were allowed to use whatever bathroom students chose to use in accordance to what they identify as. At the end of last school year, unisex bathrooms for gender nonconforming students and teachers were added to each one of our buildings. Dr. Kenner made this decision as a part of her inclusive status quo for all students. This goes from clubs to bathrooms. When talking to student Aaliyah Taylor ’20, she mentioned that “Gender nonconforming students need an option that gives them privacy and security.” And yes, privacy and security are very important for all students. This goes back to why allowing students to use whatever bathroom instead of just giving them their own bathroom is an issue. Without these unisex bathrooms, nonconforming students and teachers are forced to choose between one or the other gender. No student and/or teacher should have to feel out of their comfort zones simply to use the bathroom. While it is a great advantage to at least have some recognition for gender non conforming people, students like Aaliyah Taylor ’20 and Eve Taylor ’19 are beginning to realize and argue that while they are present, there aren’t enough. One might say that unfairness comes into play when you consider the fact that girl’s bathrooms and boy’s bathrooms have multiple stalls, while unisex bathrooms only contain a singular toilet. So what do you think? Will more be added? Only the future can tell.