Is DubTv Worth It?

Justin Boyd

This article is for all of the Juniors or underclassmen that are interested in DubTV or want to know what it is about. DubTV is a good class to take in all seriousness but there are some things that may make it seem like a blow off class. If you are creative and like to act or be behind a camera, then this is the class for you to be in. DubTV allows you to use the creative aspect of your mind to broadcast to the rest of the students within the school and it allows you to have fun with your friends and make memories in a class that gives you a lot of freedom.

Mr.Rehak is a good teacher. He makes sure that all of his students understand the basic rules about making videos, how to edit them, and how to use the camera. With all of his teachings you guys should be able to do good in this class and have great videos by the time the school year is over. Also, in this class you are required to write articles about events in school and outside of school. These articles are the MOST IMPORTANT thing about this class. WIthout doing those articles then your grade will suffer dramrically so I advise you guys to be on top of those articles.

Recently I spoke with Chris Nguyen ‘18 and asked him about how DubTV has been for him. He says this, “DubTV has been a journey in itself. It started off really slow and hard because we were given a bunch of tools without the manual and we had to figure things out over time. But once we did, things began to make sense and it really embodied what I hoped to do during my senior year.” I also spoke with Moriah Johnson ‘18 and asked her the same thing about this class, and she said, “DubTV has been so amazing. We have done a lot this year that I am really proud of. It is cool to be a part of a weekly production that the whole school sees. Definitely recommend taking this class!” There you have it! Those were two of the students in DubTV that gave some of their advice about this class and it is up to you to take it how you want it! I hope you guys appreciate this article about DubTV and hope you guys take this class and have as much fun and we did in  2018