Senior moods in May

Mireya Alejo

As May approaches us, and the countdown until graduation has begun; Senioritis has seriously began to take its toll. The motivation to simply go to class and do the work has begun to dwindle and this can be shown through attendance and grades. It’s as though less and less effort has been put into school. It may seem as though everyone has given up, the focus has turned from school work and college to prom and graduation. However there is hope, our valedictorians Haley Wellman and Jeff Guo. Both starting as academic center students they have exceeded the Whitney Young standard, with outstanding academic achievement to qualify them for such a big accomplishment. Being valedictorian isn’t taken lightly and is a title given to only the best of the best…. So how are these amazing students doing as second semester seniors? Haley Wellman ‘18 stated “honestly,I have major senioritis, but we’ve almost made it so I’m just gonna ride it out.” Jeff Guo ‘18 said, “I’m just chilling, honestly isn’t that bad, the hardest parts are over and I’m ready to graduate.” Both of these talented seniors will be attending prestigious institutions and along with the rest of our senior class, we got this.