5 Ways to Help You Relax During Stressful Times

Kellianne Bazzell

There are a lot of reasons for Whitney Young students to be stressed right now. Not only are we in the middle of a lot of political turmoil, but we are also tackling future issues like AP exams, extracurriculars, grades, etc. Taking care of your physical and mental health is just as important as any other issue going on in your life. Use this list of tips to implement some better relaxation in your life to make it healthier and less stressed.


1: Food

There are certain foods that are not only delicious, but are known for their ability to help reduce stress. Just a little bit of dark chocolate is enough to regulate the levels of the stress hormone cortisol and stabilize your metabolism. Another is mango which contains a compound called linalool, which is known to lower stress levels.


2: Meditation

Meditation is a great way to take a break during a stressful day to just breathe. It is recommended that you find a comfortable position (whether it be sitting or lying down), put on some quiet and calm music to fit the mood, and just think about breathing.


3: Physical Activity

Whether it’s just taking a walk or doing some yoga, exercise can also help you reduce your stress. It’s comforting to know that you are putting some healthy action into your life and the release of tension in your muscles is very satisfying.


4: Environment

Sometimes being in an environment that you’ve felt stressed in before will put you in that same state of mind. Take some time to take a break to go somewhere else for a while so you can return to the place with a happier mindset.


5: Fun

It’s important to balance out the negativity in our lives with some fun. This can be done by meeting up with friends, petting an animal, or even by just watching a funny video during your spare time.


If you still need some convincing that these tips are really going to help you, here are the responses of two people who have incorporated them into their lives:

Madison T. ‘21 “It’s my first year taking an AP class which has really added on a lot of stress and work in my life. I make sure to take time to do fun things like watching those videos and going for walks around my neighborhood when I need to relax and I find that it works.”

Joshua R. ‘19 noted,“Junior year has been like especially stressful since the pressure to get good grades and test scores and stuff. But when I get overwhelmed sometimes I’ll just like lie down and close my eyes and that usually does something to make me feel better.”


Hopefully you’ve found some of these tips to be helpful and you have a way to apply them into your daily life.