Avengers Infinity War!

Justin Boyd, Editor

All of you Marvel fans better be up to date on the new movie they are releasing on April 27th. If you haven’t heard about it is called, Avengers Infinity War. This movie is supposedly going to have all of the Marvel heroes fighting side by side to defeat the powerful Thanos before he rains terror on the Earth and destroys the universe.

With this movie coming up right after, Black Panther, there are a lot of high expectations  because, Black Panther, exploded on the Box Office earning over $1 billion worldwide!  The critics are hoping that this movie will keep the same high expectations as Black Panther, but if not, then the Marvel Co. isn’t going to worry because Black Panther did so well.

Moving on to the big topic of this article, this movie is unique because this is the first time you see all of the Marvel superheroes together fighting side by side for the greater good of the universe. Their big enemy is Thanos. Thanos is a big 6’7 beast that possesses the superhuman physiology of all eternals, granting him superhuman strength, endurance, reflexes, and agility. His skin in nearly invulnerable, particularly against heat, cold, electricity, radiation, toxins, aging, and disease, and he can survive indefinitely without food or water even before his “curse” from death left him immortal. His mind is also invulnerable to most forms of psychic attack, and can project a psionic blast of energy as well as blasts of plasma/cosmic energy from his eyes and hands. So as you can see the heroes have a big task ahead of them.

I recently went around asking people if they are Marvel fans or DC fans and what they think about the big movie coming up. I talked with Noah Williams ‘20, and asked him which he liked better, Marvel or DC. “I like DC better but I do like Marvel as well but for me I am excited for the new movie because of all the characters fighting with each other which is awesome!” I also talked to Joshua Brown ’22 and he said, “It should be good. I feel like it might not be so good because they’re throwing characters in from different places like The Guardians of the Galaxy and Black Panther, it doesn’t seem  right to me and I think it’s going to be more comedy than action.”

Be sure to check out the new Marvel movie if you’re a big Marvel fan! Hope to see you guys there!

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