Grading scale changes for better?


When my gym class first found out that the grading scale had been changed to a 10 point scale where 90-100 was an A, we cheered. Many people gave a woohoo while others screamed for joy. I was as equally as content when I found this out.

We often assume that our GPA’s would have been a lot different if the grading scale had been implemented when we were in 7th or 9th grade. But the question comes, isn’t that only if the teachers graded the same way?

In truth, teachers and administration are conscious of grade distribution so grading will be adjusted with that in mind. What might have been graded as a 91 last year might be graded as an 88 this year. So will the grading scale change make school easier?

Do you think the grading scale should have been changed?

  • Yes (79%, 81 Votes)
  • No (21%, 21 Votes)

Total Voters: 102

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When you really think about the change, it does not. That said, the unfairness of our grading scale being ununiformed with other CPS schools is now gone.

I love the grading scale change, not because I think it will make school easier, but because it is no longer different from other schools. In fact, the grading scale change was only made because the administration and faculty believed that grade distribution would stay roughly the same. So in reality, are there really better grades for everyone?

Unfortunately, no.