Carpool Karaoke Review

Of all of the shows aired on DubTV Episode 510, there was one unlike the others. It did not fit in with the rest of the show, it made no sense, had no message, and was only entertaining to those making it and their immediate friends. The show features people in a car singing along and dancing to a song. If you have not guessed by now, the show is Carpool Karaoke and in particular, the Winter Break Countdown episode.

The episode opens with a shot looking out of a car windshield down Jackson Boulevard as the car goes under the Arts Bridge. The setting has nothing to do with the actual content though. If anything, having a shot of Whitney Young serves as the only reason for this, “segment”  to be on the show in the first place.

As strange text slides both in and out of the frame in some sort of cheap Powerpoint transition style, we learn that this is not only Carpool Karaoke but the Winter Break Countdown episode. How exciting! Or at least that is what we would read if the text was legible. It is not only at an angle and in a color that does not contrast with the background behind it, but as part of the Powerpoint cube transition half of the title recedes and the other half goes the other direction, as if on the side of a cube at an angle to the screen. Within the span of a few seconds, the message flashes in and out, giving viewers a small chance of understanding what they are even watching. Normally the title not being fully present would not be a problem but rather in this case it is the content that makes people ask what they are watching.

As the episode progresses we see two people dancing in the car, which later turns into signing along to the song playing on the radio. I do not feel the need to fully address this part of the video, because that is really all it is. I will not critique dancing and singing, one can do that and question why it is even present themselves.

In the last frame we see a calendar pop up with more of that angled text and a message that says “Hang in there, student”. This message would be fine, if it had anything to do with the rest of the episode. Honestly, what does 10 seconds of two random people singing and dancing have to do with Winter Break?

When asked about the show, Lacurtis Bunch, ‘18, said, “Carpool Karaoke was really funny and was relevant to the current zeitgeist.” Other viewers like myself had a different opinion. Brandon Portillo, 18’, agreed, saying, “Carpool Karaoke is kind of boring and out of place in the show’s lineup!”  And Terrie Briggs, ‘18, stated, “the carpool singing thing was too long.” Which side the average DubTV viewer agrees is completely up to them. I will just link the video, and you can see for yourself. Skip to 1:54. And don’t say you weren’t warned.