
Olisa Ausara-Lasaru

Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated in the Americas, Canada, and in some parts of the caribbean. The origins of thanksgiving go way back to the pilgrim age, but there are many different ways thanksgiving is celebrated throughout the nation. As many know,  the traditional roots of an American thanksgiving come from the pilgrims voyage to America on the Mayflower ship. When the pilgrims arrived, they were taught skills such as how to fish, hunt, and harvest. A few months later, once their harvest was successful, the governor threw a feast with the indians on the colony and the pilgrims to celebrate and give thanks. Although that was the beginning of thanksgiving, it has morphed into much more than just that throughout the years, and in different places around the world. For example, Canadians celebrate thanksgiving, but a different version of it which is observed on the second monday of October every year since their harvest season comes earlier there than in America. It still stems from the idea of giving thanks for the harvest, but some of the history behind it is a little different. The Canadian thanksgiving is more rooted in the idea of giving thanks to an explorer named Martin Frobisher, who established a settlement in the newfound land back in 1578. His journey was not completely successful since he did not find the orient however he still decided to have a day of giving thanks for his accomplishments nonetheless.

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