Senior Successes: Scholarships

Celeste Mora

          In early August, twenty Whitney Young seniors embarked on their journey in hopes of winning a full tuition scholarship with the Posse Foundation. The Posse Foundation prides themselves on being different from most scholarships. They have twelve partner schools in which Chicago residents can choose from to receive the scholarship for.  If a student is nominated by someone of higher authority, they will choose their top five schools. The first round interview in August is held in a large room with one hundred fifty students who will go through a series of activities to prove their leadership skills  while twenty Posse workers are circulating taking notes. If one is to make it pass the first round they move on to the one on one interview with a Posse worker; this occurs in early October. During the interview they will ask about the extra curricular activities a student does, their grades, future interest and why they chose their top five schools. Students will await for an email from the Posse Foundation for notice if they are a Finalist for either their first,second,third, fourth or fifth school.

           All twenty students from Whitney Young did great on their first round interview and made it to the second round. The second round interview was a success so far for five of our seniors one of them being Varsity soccer play Ella McCarthy who had this to say about it “ I was chosen as a finalist for Connecticut College, my 4th choice school on my list. It is such an amazing opportunity to be a finalist for this scholarship. Not only would it be great to win that much money for a school but for the other opportunities Posse provides during the 4 years of undergrad.” Ella is excited to move onto the 3rd round interview in November and we wish her and our other seniors the best of luck!