Shooting Threat

Olisa Ausara-Lasaru

Shooting Threat                                                 Olisa Ausara-Lasaru


At around 3:15 on Thursday, October 12, a very horrifying incident occurred within our school. The school was initially informed that there was a man outside of the school with a gun, so all the students were instructed to get away from the windows and to immediately take cover in a classroom away from outside sight. Since it was a Third Thursday early dismissal day,  not many students were present when it happened. However, a lot of those attending after school sports were still at the school, and we frightened by the abrupt warning. Catherine Zdunek, ‘19 was in the gym for cheerleading practice when the incident occurred. She said it was “one of the most frightening things I had ever experienced. Everyone was screaming to go to the basement but no one really knew what was going on. We just sat there, afraid, and confused.” After about thirty minutes of sitting in agony, there was another announcement saying that the lockdown was cleared, and the only real shooting threat was for the police academy, and not for our school. Even though the lockdown was over and we had learned that there was no real threat, many students were still shaken up and frightened by the incident.


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