Television season begins

Enrique Fuentes, Editor

Summer marks the death of many TV shows. The end of seasons for shows such as The Flash, Once Upon a Time,  Riverdale and more. A lonely summer of reruns and binge watching Netflix originals, or rewatching episode of The Office on Netflix leave us anticipating the return of our favorite shows in the fall.

Now the summer has ended, shows are starting up again, but life as a student is also picking up . Television enthusiasts somehow find time to watch some of their favorite shows in the midst of all their homework and extracurricular activities. It’s the little things, like watching TV, that keep us from breaking down in the middle of the school year.

For those occasional nights when teachers don’t assign too much homework there’s a variety of shows to watch, from the light hearted half hour comedies, to the hour long dramas that tug at your heart.

Janice Cen ‘20 says she, “has been waiting for the new season of Grey’s Anatomy,” which aired the first episode of their fourteenth season on September 28th, “it’s my favorite way of putting off my other work.”

Others such as Connor Geary ‘18 enjoy watching shows like American Horror Story because, “it’s an escape from the piles of college applications and homework that have been appearing since school began.

No matter what shows you watch, they’re probably better than doing homework. So thank you fall for bringing back everyone’s favorite shows.