Free-Market healthcare vs Single payer

Angel Silva, Editor

One of the biggest debates in America right now is of healthcare and whether or not it should be treated as a right or a commodity. With the Graham-Cassidy bill failing to pass, the verbal smackdown in Congress will continue allowing former Presidential Candidate and Senator Bernie Sanders to resume his consistent push for a single payer healthcare system that would allow the United States Government to pay for all healthcare costs. Bernie Sanders’ strongest healthcare argument is the success of the Nordic Countries’ Universal health care programs; however, these healthcare systems have many faults that haven’t fully been taken into account. Sweden and Denmark, the two poster children for the Nordic Countries have income tax rates of 57% and 60%. ( none of which goes towards defense because that is paid by the United States.) The Nordic Countries are also predominantly Caucasian Danish descent which leaves differences of backgrounds and opinions out of the equation. Even with high taxes, the privilege of external payers of national defense, and low racial diversity, the Nordic Countries are still experiencing a consistent rise in debt.

Bernie Sanders chooses to ignore this, still pushing for a healthcare system that would raise taxes, raise debt, and put the American people in a much worse position. The Solution, as proposed by Ben Shapiro Editor and Chief of The Daily Wire, “The answer is more of a free market, not less of one. The answer is competition between insurers, not government monopoly. The answer is a private system, not a public one”. A Free-Market system would allow prices to be set by consumers and suppliers based on needs, and allow for more competition among healthcare providers. Basic economic theory shows us that more competition makes for lower prices and lower prices makes for more consumption. The main opposing argument is that people would die if they can’t afford healthcare, however, in a Free-Market with many options to choose from, they can choose a provider based on benefits they feel they need and pay a much lower price due to the large amount of competition. If healthcare is treated as a commodity with a high supply, prices will go down and more people will be insured. In the end, if the United States wants to save lives then a Free-Market system is America’s answer.

Bernie Sanders advocating for a Single Payer healthcare system.