Possible Second Round of Spirit Week for Seniors


Kellianne Bazzell

Almost everyone knows homecoming for the 2017-2018 school year has been a little rocky between the cancellation of the football season and the rescheduling of the dance in respect of the Jewish holiday, Yom Kippur. The Spirit Week that has been celebrated in preparation for the Boys’ Soccer game against Curie High School was unusual in that it did not include the traditional Class Color Day. Instead, this day is to be celebrated on Friday, October 21st, the day before the homecoming dance. However, since it’s not as much fun to only celebrate one spirit day, the senior class has begun to collaborate on their Facebook page to come up with an additional spirit week for their year. The class created a poll to vote for the best ideas for the additional days. They decided to go with Senior Citizen Day on Monday, Hawaiian/Summer/Beach Day on Tuesday, Breast Cancer Awareness Day on Wednesday, Jersey/Sports Day on Thursday, and Blackout (Class Color Day) on Friday. The seniors are still trying to reach an agreement on some of the days so the schedule has not been finalized yet. However, the class is committed to making their Spirit Week a real thing as seen by Justyn Spann ‘18, who said, “Senior Spirit Week sounds like a great idea, sure some of the days are a little lackluster but we will see how the days go when the time arrives the week of the dance.”.


Hopefully the senior class of 2018 will be able to pull off this second round of celebration so Whitney M. Young Magnet High School will have even more spirit.

pc: Camille Argentar