Sanders on Sanders: Why Bernie is the best candidate

Maia Sanders, Features Editor

With the 2016 Primary elections approaching, it’s time to take a closer look at the candidates. Bernie Sanders has a lot of momentum coming into the Primaries, closing in on Hillary Clinton. Sanders is very popular with the younger generation; here are five reasons to vote Bernie for president.

Bernie is making Education Reform a priority. He is fighting for free tuition at all public colleges and universities so that there are good, affordable options for all students. He plans to reform student loans in the country by cutting interest rates. This stops the federal government and private banks from profiting on college students’ loans. As college (and debt) approaches, this is a really enticing selling point.
Bernie is actively trying to create more equal incomes and lessen wealth inequality. Sanders plans to Increase the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour. After taxes are taken out of wages, earnings are much smaller than expected. Bernie knows that raising the minimum wage will help the majority of the population, not the 1% who are dominating the economy.
Bernie is a social activist. As a college student, he participated in the Civil Rights movement along Martin Luther King Jr. He wasn’t afraid to fight for social causes even when it was controversial. Now he is active in the Black Lives Matter movement, along with Women and LGBT rights.
Bernie is a huge advocate for the environment. Politicians haven’t addressed the climate change issue with the level of urgency that is needed. Bernie rejected the Keystone XL Pipeline and wants to find more sustainable forms of energy to replace non-renewable sources such as crude oil.
Bernie is passionate about what he does. He once spoke on the Senate floor for 8 hours straight to get his point across. After 34 years of political involvement, he still works relentlessly.