Finals study guide

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Amanda Rizkallah, Features Editor

With finals less than two weeks away, some of us may be having a difficult time staying focused and organized, so here is a study guide for everything you need to know for finals.

Do NOT procrastinate-Finals are approaching sooner than we may think, and although high school students put the “pro” in “procrastination”, pushing studying off until the last minute will most likely result in poor exam grades and more stress than you need.

Plan when you’ll be studying for each test-You can’t study for every test in one day, so gather all of your work from the semester, categorize it by subject, and allow enough time for each to study thoroughly.

Make study guides-Make your study guides at least one week before your exams. No one can remember everything they have learned in the past few months, so go through all of your material and create a detailed study guide. A study guide that has little effort put into it will usually result in a low test score. The better the review, the better your score will be!

Get an adequate amount of sleep-You can’t rely on coffee and energy drinks to get you through those long days of studying. Get at least eight hours of sleep every night one week before the exam to make sure that you will be completely focused and won’t be yawning through the entire test.

Prioritize-If you know that your trigonometry final is covering more complicated material than your Driver’s Ed final, then study for that one first. If one final is worth 30% of your final grade as opposed to 10%, then it might be to your advantage to study harder for the exam that has a greater effect on your grade.

Remove all distractions-It’s nearly impossible to focus on the Pythagorean theorem when your notifications bar is full of Snapchats and Facebook messages, so put those to the side in order to be fully focused on your studying.

Just relax-Keep your stress level to a minimum. Freaking out about how hard your test might be will not benefit you in any way. It will make you lose sleep, forget the material you studied, and result in a lower test grade.