Political ads are not ad-vantageous in politics


Kasey Carlson, News Editor

Political candidates spend millions of dollars each election year to spit out TV ads. Some share their political philosophy, while others have footage of them smiling and laughing with members of their potential constituency.

However, most of the ads are negative. They often do nothing but sling mud at fellow politicians. These ads teach us  nothing of true value about a candidate’s political platforms. Instead, viewers learn much more about how much pension a candidate supposedly takes advantage of or how many jobs they are supposedly responsible for outsourcing. They slander and put opinions into the heads of voters with seemingly no consequences to candidates who are responsible for the commercials (unless they lose the election, of course.)

Although politicians are the ones fueling negative ad campaigns, you cannot blame it completely on candidates. Mud-slinging has been perpetuated by decades of American politicians before them. If politicians try to avoid negative advertisements, it often does not give them the chance to “get even” with any opposition airing negative advertisements about them. In a political machine fueled by blaming others, it is nearly impossible to not be sucked in by the lure of talking down on your opponent instead of talking up yourself.

Even if negative political advertisements are seen as acceptable by the political machine that produces them, constituents should rebel against the norm. Negative political advertisements help no one but candidates that portray themselves as basically being “the lesser of two evils.”

Instead of attacking their competition, politicians  should return to what matters most: informing what they can do for their constituents. Voters should encourage positive messages of how politicians can influence our future, instead of negative messages about what they have done in the past. Educating the public on the views of candidates instead of clouding elections with slander will not only make a more politically literate electorate, but may result in a better selection of politicians.

Only voters can help make the change by making their voice heard. Anyone with an opinion on negative advertisements in politics should tell their local politicians through votes, letters, and any other way they can contact their elected representatives.