Khan Academy Is Great

Khan Academy Is Great

Michael Benavente

Education is something that is reserved for the privileged. Unfortunately even in the most privileged countries the best education is only reserved for those that can pay. Khan academy, in a sense, combats this state of privilege. Khan academy is a free online education platform and an organization that has produced over 6,500 video lessons teaching a wide spectrum of academic subjects, originally focusing on mathematics and sciences. Many of the videos are about 10 minutes long, and according to the testimony of Jeremiah Garcia, Carver ‘22, “They teach me better than my teachers do.” Many of the original videos are simple, with only the voice of founder Sal Khan, and a black backdrop with which he writes notes on. According to Geraldo Galindo, Washington ‘22, “the simple design and presentation of the information makes it much easier to digest.” The layout of the website also allows for choices of how you want to learn. Many of the videos have either a separate article, or they are transcribed below. Allowing for students that wouldn’t be able to hear the videos to be able to still get their learning in. After you finish watching/reading the lesson there is often a quiz or a few questions to make sure you actually retained the information you were given. In fact, the website does such a good job of teaching, many teachers use it almost as an assistant. Angel Rodriguez, Washington ‘22, said that, “in 8th grade, that was the only homework we had.” And, what’s amazing is, you don’t even need a teacher to assign you work to do. The website has its own placement test you can take, and then it assigns lessons based on the subjects you performed the worst in. The website is such a great resource, and the best part is that it’s available to everyone. Please, if you get the time, check it out, or even make a donation to support them.