Florida Felons Right

Florida Felons Right

Tyson Leitao

Could you imagine being 18 years or older in this day and age and not being able to vote. Well, as recently as  two years ago in the state of Florida former felons were not allowed to vote. I think this is relevant because right now as a country we are in a very rough patch and the only way to change this is to vote. There were about 67,000 former felons that ended up being able to vote this year alone. “a landmark constitutional amendment,” says ProPublica. 

I asked Whitney Young student Madison Tate ‘20, “What do you think about voting in general?” She responded, “I think that voting is not an option because it is your voice and every vote counts and can have a significant impact on our lives and future of our country.” I can not stress enough how important voting is. Being 18 years or older is a privilege in this day and age. America is the most looked at country in the world and voting for who leads the country takes an impact on everyone. I asked Whitney Young Alum Lauren Williamson ‘19 if she would be voting and why it might be important to vote. Her response was, “Yes, it is important to vote to have our voices heard and in honor of those who fought hard for my right to do so.” Voting is stressed by so many people across the country because voting is your civil duty Voting gives you free speech and is the bedrock of our democracy. If you are not registered and are 18 years or older please do the country a favor and VOTE!