2019 Senior Blackout

Helen McKnight

On Thursday, October 10th the senior class of 2020 celebrated being seniors and homecoming week by wearing all black, running around the school cheering, taking pictures and hanging out on the new Michelle Obama Athletic Complex field. The class of 2020 this year decided to rent a bounce-obstacle course and play games like cup pong on the field. The weather was warm and sunny which made the festivities even more cheery. It seemed like most of the seniors had a good time. Cece Thyen ‘20, said, “I had so much fun at the senior blackout day, it was cool to hang out with all the other seniors.” When asked what she thought about the blackout Rory Aspin “21, said, “It makes me excited to be a senior they all seem like they’re having so much fun.”

However, younger students seemed intimidated by the loud shenanigans that the seniors were taking part in. Adrianne Weiner ‘23, remarked, “It was crazy seeing all the seniors running in the hall and yelling and it was honestly a little scary because I’m a freshman.” The Senior Blackout has been a long-running tradition at Whitney Young and will probably continue for a long time because it makes all the grades, but especially the seniors so excited.

Members of the girls swim team taking a photo together