Whitney Young Hallway Traffic

Whitney Young Hallway Traffic

A. Ucheena Woodfolk

Hallway blockage has gotten to an all time high as busy bodies are stuck in time consuming jams on their way to class. The junction between blue house and the stairway landing has affected student lives by causing underclassmen and upperclassmen alike to experience  delays in travel time that affect their class arrival time.

Hallways traffic control has now designated hallway rules to help improve hallway travel time. In order to help condense the loft language of the new rule book, the language will be altered and organized into sections that address each student group on how the new hallway traffic rules affect them.

Basketball players now have a minimum speed limit at which they most obey. They can no longer travel in the hallways at a one millionth a mile per hour pace. Students must travel at a minimum of 3.1 miles per hour, an average walking pace for human beings. On the other hand, academic center students can no longer contribute to the obscene collision rate within the hallways of Whitney M. Young Magnet High School by travelling at 700 miles per hour. There is a hallway speed maximum of 4 miles per hour.

Students with instruments are to carry the instruments atop their heads to maximize the hallway space, especially students that play instruments in orchestra.

All of the social butterfly students are to stay within the perimeters of Blue, Red, Gold, or Green house during conversation. Within the five minute  passing period, all conversations must happen within the aforementioned houses or within classrooms.