Gianna Gant 19′


Sophia Chung

In honor of African American history month, I decided to write about my friend, Gianna Gant 19’. I first met Gianna in school in our AP Psychology class. From the moment I met Gianna, I thought that she is a extremely caring and funny person who has many interests. Some of them include playing the cello, film, and photography. I think Gianna is really passionate about what she likes which is what makes her inspiring. Crystal 20’ says, “I know Gianna from my psychology class and I think that she is really nice and friendly. She is also a good studying partner and person to go to for advice.” Whenever I need help or advice, Gianna is always there for me. Joselyn 19’ says, “I always go to Gianna if I need advice and she is a great listener!” Gianna has helped many people as a friend and a classmate, whether it is school problems or personal issues. I think this makes her a great person because she is always so caring and there for everyone. I also really admire her for being so passionate about her hobbies. Priscilla 19’ says, “I think Gianna is really nice and I really enjoy working with her in my anatomy class.” From the many quotes I have received from friends of Gianna, I think that she is a noteworthy person at Whitney Young because of her personality and achievements.